
Δυσφήμηση και δικαιώματα προσώπου που έχει θιγεί

Από το συνδυασμό των διατάξεων των άρθρων 57, 59, 914, 932 του ΑΚ προκύπτει ότι σε περίπτωση παράνομης προσβολής της προσωπικότητας γεννάται αξίωση προς αποκατάσταση της ηθικής βλάβης.

Automatic Suspension Effect

Privileges in favor of the Greek State – Automatic suspensive effect of (a) the deadline for exercising and (b) exercising the appeal. DECISION NUMBER 28/2022 THE COURT OF ARIOS PAGOS

Νόμος 4987/2022 Κώδικας Φορολογικής Διαδικασίας

Με την διάταξη του άρ. 11 του ν. 1756/1988 οριζόταν η διάρκεια του δικαστικού έτους και των δικαστικών διακοπών και ειδικά: «1. Το δικαστικό έτος αρχίζει στις 16 Σεπτεμβρίου..

Preliminary Agreement or MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) or Framework Agreement and other types of agreements

Joint venture business plans often begin with an agreement as a draft of the final agreement. Similarly, the resolution of business disputes in many cases is resolved by negotiations and by pre-formulation of the basic frameworks of agreement. In other cases, entrepreneurs...

New Salary of NHS doctors

Unconstitutionality of the new provisions of the law 4472/2017 on a new special salary for the doctors of the National Health Service as they contradict the principle of the special salary treatment of the doctors of the National Health Service deriving from article 21 par. 3 of the Constitution, as well as...

Insult – reversal of a decision by a person who did not participate in the trial

In several cases, someone is affected or bound by a court decision issued by a court without being informed to intervene and reverse the situation that was finally created by the decision issued in...

Pilot trial

The pilot trial is a new institution in civil justice and is introduced by article 20A of the Civil Code. Article 20A of the Civil Code states that "Any remedy or remedy brought before any civil court may be entered in the...
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